Primul Congres International de Reabilitare Generala si Oro-Maxilo-Faciala, Istanbul, Turcia 28-30 Mai 2015

Primul Congres International de Reabilitare Generala si Oro-Maxilo-Faciala, Istanbul, Turcia 28-30 Mai 2015

13 iulie 2015 0 By admin

Aseara a avut loc festivitatea de deschidere a Primului Congres International de Reabilitare Generala si Oro-Maxilo-Faciala – Editie Extraordinara. Ceremonia a avut loc la hotel RENAISSANCE Istanbul Bosphorus Hotel si a fost prezidata de Presedintele Congresului, Prof. Univ.Dr. Norina Forna

Last night was held the opening ceremony of the First International Congress of General and Oral-Maxillo-Facial – Rehabilitation- Extraordinary Edition. The ceremony was held in Istanbul Bosphorus Hotel Renaissance Hotel and was chaired by Congress President, Prof. Ph.D. Norina Forna